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How excited I am to talk about this special session with you. Christmas Studio session with Santa is so special, and I am happy to announce that I will be doing these annually. Why do Santa sessions at a studio when you can just go to the mall? There are various reasons: Don’t miss out […]

Christmas Studio session with Santa


connecticut fall mini sessions
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Hello there, Thanks for stopping by- It is time to book your fall sessions in Connecticut! This year I will be offering Fall mini session for a limited numbers of families. Also as a bonus will be offering them for a special price for a limited time. Connecticut is so beautiful around the fall time, […]

It’s time for Fall sessions in Connecticut


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Photographing a magazine cover can evoke a mix of exhilarating and nerve-wracking emotions for us photographers. It is a significant opportunity that comes with a sense of responsibility and creative challenge. Here are some feelings that a photographer might experience when capturing a magazine cover: The photos were used in a multiple page spread of […]

Photographing a magazine Cover


Alexandra Szebenyik Photography fall sessions in connecticut 2023
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The Importance of Having Updated Family Photos Family photos are much more than mere snapshots capturing a moment in time; they hold immense sentimental and emotional value. Having updated family photos is crucial for several reasons, as they serve as cherished memories, promote family bonding, preserve the legacy, and provide a sense of belonging and […]

Importance of updated family photos


family having fun in the field
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Sо very оftеn I rесеivе thiѕ ԛuеѕtiоn, аnd I wаntеd tо ѕhаrе hоw I nоrmаllу аnѕwеr fоr mу clients:  “Whаt ѕhоuld wе wеаr аnd hоw ѕhоuld wе dress оur fаmiliеѕ fоr оur uрсоming photoѕhооt?”  A little bit оf thоught and planning bеfоrеhаnd will nоt оnlу take away аnу рhоtоѕhооt dау stress, but will really mаkе […]

What should we wear for our upcoming photoshoot?


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